Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How Sweet Are You??

Have you ever seen an otherwise attractive person chewing gum in a way that made her appear unattractive? How about someone who is just genius but doesn't know how to hold his fork?

All of these questions are addressed in the book I just read... Emily Post's Etiquette.

white, brown and raw sugar 

In this book, there are things mentioned that will make you think twice about how you act in public, and since reading it, I've found myself observing others more, and I've even tried out a few things myself. 
Recently, my sister and I were invited to join one of our friends to hang out at her house for the evening. We also were invited to join her and her family for dinner but we got there late, so they had already eaten. Instead of just walking through and getting my plate, I stopped and spoke to my friend's parents who were watching TV in the living room.... even though I was starving and my sister just walked on through!   
Of course, it got me thinking.... and then, I decided to do a little experiment. Today I got out several different items and spread them out on a cutting board. I started with white, brown and raw sugar. I tasted them to see the difference in their tastes. Then I enrolled the help of my family members. Obviously, everyone was already wondering what on earth I was doing, especially my mom who had just cleaned the kitchen:)

First my little sister and brother came over and I asked them to taste the samples and see which one they thought was the sweetest. My little sister thought the brown was the sweetest. My brother and I thought the white. By the time my mom came over we had added cinnamon, and then she suggested powdered sugar which I had not thought of. As you can see in the picture, the powdered sugar is almost gone; that should explain which one we thought was the sweetest....

So what's the point?
Well, it's no secret that we all find it easy to form opinions about other people. And if you look hard enough, you will see that most people are like sugar... I think we are all naturally sweet. The only difference? There are all different kinds of sweet. 
 Some of us are raw and need to be refined. 
Others are sweeter but not refined to the fullest. 
And some, are a little too sweet... 

In life, some of us could use a little more refinement than others. And some of us should be careful not to come across as fake by being too nice and sweet. 
 Either way, only we can decide for ourselves how sweet we want to be. 

But I'm sure that etiquette has it's place... and we could each probably use a little more or less:)
So if you haven't already, go pick up a copy.... 

Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.”
― Emily Post

Just something to think about...

Until next time guys,
Use the glue. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Remembering the Titanic...

Hey Everyone,

My family and I just walked in the door (literally) about 20 minutes ago... we spent the weekend at a resort in Orlando... it was so much fun, especially considering the fact that we got to see some friends that we don't see often. While at the resort this weekend, we saw on the television this morning that today is the 100th anniversary of the Titanic. It's kind of a real reality check:)

A hundred years ago on this day, over 1,500 people died... when they were least expecting it.

Although I realize this is a sobering thought, I don't say it to suggest that we should be fearful of what could happen at any time, but that we should celebrate every moment of life to the fullest. After spending the weekend with friends and family, I feel blessed to have another great memory to cherish...
We got to meet some new friends this weekend too, and my sister and I agreed that we are already experiencing separation anxiety towards all of our friends:)

Tomorrow we'll all be back to work, or school in my case, but hopefully with a new level of motivation since we've been blessed with another day...

I hope your weekend was as great as mine and that the beginning of your week will be even better.
Use the glue,

Friday, April 13, 2012

How does love motivate you?

Hey Everyone,

I know I haven't posted in a while.... sorry about that:) I've been really busy with a lot of other stuff, I'm sure you know how it is; life just happens and you get really busy. But it really got me thinking the other day about all the new things and new people I'm involved with. Do you ever feel like you do so much that you do everything only half way? Sometimes I do, but I try to limit it to a minimum by putting priorities first. Even though it's hard. Here is just a brief list of the things that keep me busy but I sometimes don't feel like I really have the time for:

Family obligations.
Spending time with friends.
Part time job.

Understand, I realize these are things that we all have to fit into our schedules. And knowing which ones are more important is one of the hardest things ever. At least, in my opinion. So I guess the best question to ask here, and the one I ask myself everyday is "WHY?"

Dean Graziosi had an interesting video concerning this question. So I thought I would share it with you.

But no matter what I do, I always look for motivation in those unlikely places. My family is usually my number 1 pick. A lot of times my little sister and brother are huge motivators. Sometimes even more so than my parents. Their cute and adorable little faces when they ask me to do something with them or take them somewhere are really hard to say no to. It's funny actually, I was once at a sleepover for a friend's birthday, and my friend had a younger sister who was probably about two or three at the time. Apparently, the little sister wanted something and a family friend had told her no! Of course, the toddler started crying instantly and wouldn't stop! I walked in the room and asked my other friend what she had  done to her; I honestly thought she was hurt:) It was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen... the family members rushed into the room and you would have thought a bomb went off. They asked what happened and my friend said that she had just told her no. Then the older sister said in a half joking, half serious kind of way, "what? Oh no, you can't tell her no!" And believe me, it's really hard to say no sometimes.

 Lately, my brother has been wanting me to practice his baseball with him on the days he doesn't have practice. And since I like baseball a lot, it helps me get things done faster so I can go play with him. Besides, when I'm sitting in the bleachers at his games, I get to take some of the credit when he hits a home-run!

Perhaps then, the real question is how does love motivate us? Because when we really get down to the bottom of it, I think our reasons why we do the things we do, aren't always what we think.

What about you? Who are your biggest motivators? Comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts:) Until next time, use the glue.

P.S. Oh yeah, check out my brother playing catcher in his first season to play baseball!